With this site I aim to share my experiences and reflections on some major challenges to be met so that our planet — its oceans, its continents — remains habitable and becomes friendly to the many: the climate, the diversity of life, human rights, the distribution of the wealth produced – as opposed to the considerable social inequalities between and within countries - democracy and freedom.

For the past twenty years, with many partners, I have explored the spaces for cooperation that are opening up between neighbouring countries and make it possible to act together. As financial magistrate, lecturer at the University of Rennes, activist in non-profit organisations, I travelled to North and South America, the Caribbean, West and Southern Africa, South and East Asia, meeting professors and students, community leaders and more broadly citizens. In two countries in particular, Burkina Faso and Haiti, I take part in long-term solidarity actions. Having learned from these encounters, I try to build bridges between experiences from one region to another, refraining from the stance of European precedence: to each region of the world, its path of cooperation, respecting international law.

The following pages present four books, various articles, the text of conferences that are the result of these work and exchanges: for instance, in 2006 during a UNESCO forum in Montevideo (Uruguay), in 2009 for the thirtieth anniversary of the Southern African Community in Gaborone (Botswana) and in the universities of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 2010, Tezpur in Assam (India) in 2014, Guangxi in Nanning (China) in 2016, Liège (Belgium) on several occasions and also with associations like the Mediterranean College of Liberties in Toulon and the Hub of the Humanities in Lorient.

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